Working on the packaging...
I am currently working on the packaging for the Gameboy micro. My idea right now is to put it in a box similar to the Mario question mark blocks. You know one like this:
I'll post some pictures of how I am going to make this but here are some cool templates and pictures where people put these around town. I am going to post who is receiving the Gameboy micro tomorrow, so stay tuned.
Labels: Gameboy micro
At April 8, 2007 at 3:29 PM , jackie said...
Dear Mr. Pounders,
I am writing to inform you that I have hired Mr. Jack Thompson, Atorney-at-Law of Coral Gables, Florida to represent me in my case against you for your blatant infringement of my intellectual property rights. You will pay.
I currently have three very menacing happy face garbage cans filled with my own personal trash. I am mailing them to you. One of them has a hat ripped from the cold dead head of Long John Silver. I believe you understand me, Mr. Pounders.
Mrs. Jacqueline Gregory
P.S. If anyone else wants any of my garbage, which includes a clock with a broken minute hand, assorted candle stubs, and a cobalt pepper shaker, contact Mr. Pounders. I am sending it all to him.
At April 8, 2007 at 5:41 PM , John Brooks Pounders said...
Well, I am counter-suing Jacqueline Gregory for infringing on my rights to hire Jack Thompson as my lawyer. My lawyer is Star Jones....she's so hot right now!
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