A Las Vegas hat, small rubberband ball, and a coat rack (email me if you want these for FREE)

A Las Vegas hat, small rubberband ball, and a coat rack (email me if you want to get these things for FREE)
If you want this email me your name and address along with a good reason why I should send it to you. Send all email to SomethingFromMyRoom@gmail.com
Update:Wow, getting some of the most creative emails yet. I'll post them tomorrow, so if you are going to submit please go ahead!
Also as a side note Karen received the Mead notebook here is what she had to say
Subject: It arrived!
hey there!
your notebook just arrived, in one piece! ^___^ some of the sticky tape is gone, but it's still closed.
will send you pictures subsequently :)
Labels: coat rack, Las Vegas Hat, Small Rubber band ball
At May 4, 2007 at 9:58 AM ,
Graham - GAD123 said...
Lovin the hat, had a dream about going to Vegas last night after winning lots at poker online... lol
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