Here are the emails for the Mead Composition book. Who should I pick?
I didn't get as many emails for the composition book. The emails I did get were very good though. It will be a tough decision. So here are the possible recipients one from NYC, Canada, the Philippines, and Ohio.
Hi JB:
Not only would I use the Mead notebook for jotting down deep thoughts as I thunk 'em, but as an added bonus, they would be Canadian thoughts — mailing the notebook to me would really improve the scope of your map!
Hopefully your next recipient,
Suzanne Canada
A Good Reason Why You Should Send It To Me:
When I'm in a funk, I usually buy new notebooks, write on the first few pages, then stick them everywhere in my room. I'm in a royal funk right now, but have no money to buy a new notebook. How about the various notebooks you've already started, you ask. Sorry, they've all been doodled to death.
But, even if it's not a new notebook, but if it came from someone from the other side of the world, living a life somewhat different than mine, I can appreciate it. More so because you already wrote something in the pages.
It's going to be something different for me, anyway.
Thanks. And nice blog ^__^
-Karen Philippines
I do not know you…although I like to think we will be friends someday.
This Mead notebook is meant to be MINE. As a passionately creative person
By nature, I love to draw, write, and design & at one time entrusted many
Intimate thoughts and ideas to the Mead trademark.
I have recently been in a creative RUT! Doing the 9-5 (and then some), while keeping me
In the design world, takes its toll on my creative spirit. I am left drained and without
Energy to create outside of the four walls of my design studio.
This Mead notebook has the potential to be the catalyst that joltz me back into my once full
Creative space. In fact, if granted the opportunity to FILL this notebook…I will fill it with thoughts,
Drawings, and ideas & send it BACK to you, a vast improvement from it’s original status.
In short, this notebook has the capacity to bring me back from the edge. A wild yet withered
Blossom, parched without the presence of HEART. I could go out and buy any old notebook, true enough.
But receiving it as a gift will hold me responsible for my inspirations & thus, I will not sleep without writing
In it diligently & without contempt.
Be my HEART, John Brooks…Be my HEART.
-Kristi Marie
(former Midwest cronie, now NYC inhabitant, basement studio in QUEENS)
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for composition notebooks and have recently adopted the idea of collecting them because I use them so much. In high school I had two composition notebooks to pass notes in class, and I buy a new composition notebook every time I get a new story idea. I have about 15-20 composition notebooks, and would be honored to add yours to my collection.
Thank you very much for your time.
Anne Ohio
Labels: emails, Mead Journal
At April 22, 2007 at 3:14 PM ,
Glen said...
Dang John Brooks! All of these emails are from girls!!! Girls are pretty ;^)
At April 22, 2007 at 4:58 PM ,
jackie said...
It's hard for me to believe that you didn't get thousands of applications for your used Mead composition book, John Brooks. Given the value of celebrity memorabilia these days - from what I've noticed on ebay - the lack of interest in this week's giveaway is shocking. This could mean a couple of things:
1. They DON'T know who the great and powerful OZ...uh...John Brooks Pounders is, OR
2. They DO know who John Brooks Pounders is...hard to tell...
Anyway, Crazy Uncle Johnny, looks like you are trading your composition book for a few potential relationships.
Send them all something. Your old Trapper Keeper. Your empty Bic pens. Your old printer cartridges.
Don't break their hearts, John Brooks. Please don't.
At April 22, 2007 at 10:05 PM ,
Joey said...
i saw send it international, and i don't mean to our canadian neighbors, the mexicans of the north, if you know what i mean.
At April 23, 2007 at 1:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Methinks the Canadian girl winses.
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