No one wants Grapevine! (Besides my friends)
Well, it appears when there is something that is actually cool my friends don't email...When the something is extremely lame they want it. Here are my friends emails. I'll post something that is amazing tomorrow!
These are the only emails I received and they were from my friends:
These are the only emails I received and they were from my friends:
Hey John Brooks,
I think your site is a good idea. I think this book sounds
interesting, and I would like to read it. Do you think people can
become famous through the Grapevine?
That's what I'd most like to find out.
Dear John Brooks,
Let me tell you why I need that book: . . .well, I honestly can't think
of a reason. It's just too lame. Why don't you give it to a dog to
pee on?
No, no, no, I'm just kidding. I'm just bored and thought I would send
a rude email to you. The book actually looks pretty good if you're
into advertising. I keep up with the site pretty often. Itsumi and I
got an's pretty neat! We will move into it in July.
We're leaving for Japan on Thursday, so let me know if you're in
Florence and want to hang out before I go.
Okay, see you later. Please don't post my email. I'm sure someone
else needs the book more than I do.
At May 20, 2007 at 11:48 AM ,
Glen said...
HAHAHAHAHA! Who needs it more Ry or Allie? Allie is moving to NYC so she is bound to get discovered through the grapevine with or without the book. Ry just wrote the new school song so he could use it to get that bumpin on radios everyhwere. So for me its a toss up. Ry's song will be bumpin regardless. So if you know what it do? Then ask thine self if its true. Bayside High forever life! When did you get that from?
At May 20, 2007 at 4:36 PM ,
jackie said...
*WHEN* did you get that *FROM*?????Glen!
At May 22, 2007 at 2:02 AM ,
Graham - GAD123 said...
Happy Birthday for next week dude! ;)
At May 22, 2007 at 8:38 PM ,
Glen said...
"When did you get that from?" Is a famous quote! Much like "I am famouse". Buck Rowdy is full of wisdom...
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